Referenznummer: CON-GER-STU-MA

Master Thesis: A blueprint for efficient software development organizations in the era of software-defined vehicles

Aachen, Köln, München


06.09.2023 -
FEV Consulting GmbH


Die FEV Consulting ist die technologiegetriebene Top-Management-Beratung der FEV Group, die im internationalen Umfeld als Wegweiser zwischen Strategieentwicklung und Produktrealisierung agiert. Wir arbeiten nicht einfach für Unternehmen, sondern für unsere Kunden. Menschen, die die Gesellschaft voranbringen wollen. Deshalb entwickeln und optimieren wir technische Produktkonzepte hinsichtlich ihres Kundennutzens, ihrer Realisierbarkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und Profitabilität. 

Arbeite zusammen mit uns an herausfordernden Projekten aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen des Mobilitäts-, Transport- und Energiesektors.
Beispielhafte Themen umfassen nachhaltige Fahrzeug- und Mobilitätskonzepte, Unternehmenstransformationen zum Erhalt der Zukunftsfähigkeit, Kopplung des Energie- und Transportsektors, digitale Dienstleistungen oder die Geschäftsentwicklung für Innovationen.


In the ever-evolving landscape of automotive engineering, the shift towards software-defined vehicles has brought about new challenges and opportunities. This thesis aims to design a comprehensive blueprint for a software development organization that can effectively cater to the unique demands of modern software-defined vehicles. One of the central challenges is to harmonize software and hardware development, recognizing the distinct mindsets and development practices, while ensuring seamless synchronization in the final product.

The importance of this topic lies in its potential to address a critical need within the automotive industry. As vehicles increasingly rely on sophisticated software systems for essential functions, the efficiency and agility of software development are paramount. However, this development mindset is in conflict with more traditional, milestone-driven hardware development. Thus, the need to align software and hardware development processes is vital to ensure that vehicles meet functionaliey, safety, performance, and regulatory standards.

Potential research question: "How can a software development organization be structured and its development processes optimized to accommodate the unique requirements of software-defined vehicles, ensuring a seamless integration of software and hardware, while maximizing efficiency and quality?"


  • You are completing your master's degree in industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, business administration, economics or a comparable course of study at a leading university
  • You have exceptional academic performance and impress us with your personal profile
  • You ideally gained inital practical experience in consulting or a technical industry
  • You have very good analytical skills
  • You are a motivated and committed team player
  • You have very good knowledge of MS Office applications
  • You communicate very well in English, and you are ideally fluent in the local office language - both verbally and in writing


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Sina Aumann
Human Resources - FEV Consulting GmbH

Telefon: +49 160 746 3685

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